Dad Jokes Thanksgiving —a time for family, food, and the inevitable dad jokes that get passed around the dinner table like the mashed potatoes. While we stuff ourselves with turkey and pies, let’s also stuff our hearts with laughter. These Thanksgiving dad jokes are sure to make your relatives groan, roll their eyes, and laugh (maybe against their will). So grab your stretchy pants and prepare for some cheesy, turkey-filled humor!

Why Dad Jokes at Thanksgiving?

Because what’s better than awkwardly waiting for the turkey to cook or recovering from a food coma? Dad jokes bring everyone together for a chuckle or an eye-roll, and they’re harmless enough that even Grandma won’t mind (too much). Let’s dive into some perfectly corny Thanksgiving dad jokes to make this holiday even more memorable!

Joke 1: Why did the turkey cross the road?

To prove he wasn’t chicken!
But he might’ve been running from the Thanksgiving feast!

Joke 2: What’s the best song to play while cooking a turkey?

All About That Baste!
You know, because it’s all in the baste, ’bout that baste, no trouble!

Joke 3: Why don’t turkeys ever tell secrets?

Because they’re always gobbling everything up!
Loose beak sinks ships—or in this case, dinners!

Joke 4: What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?

Pumpkin pi!
Perfect for math lovers who also love dessert!

Joke 5: Why did the cranberries turn red?

Because they saw the turkey dressing!
Talk about some juicy gossip in the kitchen!

Joke 6: What do you call a running turkey?

Fast food!
But not fast enough to escape Thanksgiving dinner, unfortunately.

Joke 7: What kind of key can’t open doors?

A tur-key!
But it sure knows how to unlock your appetite!

Joke 8: Why was the Thanksgiving soup so expensive?

It had 24 carrots in it!
Nothing like some golden humor to spice up the meal!

Joke 9: Why didn’t the turkey want dessert?

Because he was already stuffed!
But there’s always room for pie, right?

Joke 10: What’s a turkey’s favorite dessert?

Peach gobbler!
And it’s guaranteed to leave you gobbling for more!

Joke 11: Why do pilgrims’ pants always fall down?

Because they wear their belt-buckles on their hats!
And you thought your Thanksgiving fashion choices were questionable!

Joke 12: What’s the best part of Thanksgiving dinner?

The nap afterwards!
It’s the ultimate food coma tradition!

Joke 13: What did the turkey say before it was roasted?

“Boy, I’m really getting roasted here!”
Don’t worry, turkey, it’s all in good humor (and flavor)!

Joke 14: What do you call a turkey after Thanksgiving?

If it’s still around by Black Friday, that is.

Joke 15: Why was the turkey excused from the table?

Because he was using fowl language!
But can you blame him? He had a rough day!

Joke 16: What did the sweet potato say when it won the competition?

“I yam the best!”
Humble brag from everyone’s favorite side dish!

Joke 17: What happens when you eat too much at Thanksgiving?

You get autumn-atically sleepy!
It’s like the leaves falling, only it’s you on the couch.

Joke 18: How do you fix a broken pumpkin pie?

With a little pumpkin patch!
And some whipped cream, obviously!

Joke 19: Why didn’t the cook season the turkey?

Because there was already plenty of thyme on their hands!
And maybe a little too much rosemary!

Joke 20: What’s the official dance of Thanksgiving?

The turkey trot!
It’s perfect for burning off that extra slice of pie—if you can still move, that is!

Joke 21: Why did the mashed potatoes disinvite the gravy to Thanksgiving dinner?

Because it was acting too saucy!
Sometimes you just need to keep things mashed and mellow!

Joke 22: What’s the best way to stuff a turkey?

Serve him lots of pizza and ice cream!
That’ll keep him full and off the table!

Joke 23: What does Thanksgiving have in common with Halloween?

You gobble up all the food!
Except this time, no costumes required—just stretchy pants!

Joke 24: How do you know the turkey loves Thanksgiving?

Because it’s absolutely carving up the spotlight!
Though we might all need some carving ourselves afterward!

Joke 25: Why was the Thanksgiving table so chatty?

Because it was full of sides!
And they all had a lot to say about the main course!

Joke 26: Why did the pie go to the doctor?

It was feeling crusty!
A little whipped cream therapy goes a long way!

Joke 27: What did the turkey say to the computer?

“Google, gobble!”
Turns out, even turkeys are looking for last-minute escape plans!

Joke 28: Why don’t turkeys play baseball?

Because they’re afraid of getting fowl balls!
And who can blame them? They’re in enough trouble already!

Joke 29: Why do cranberries never get lonely?

Because they always come in bunches!
Plus, they’re surrounded by turkey and stuffing at the table!

Joke 30: How do you know you’re at a good Thanksgiving?

When the laughter is as full as your belly!
And everyone’s already calling dibs on leftovers!

Conclusion: A Feast of Laughter

There you have it—a cornucopia of goofy Dad Jokes Thanksgiving to share with your family and friends. Whether you’re cracking jokes before the turkey is served or keeping everyone entertained after the meal, these groan-worthy puns are sure to get the whole table laughing. So, give thanks, enjoy the food, and remember—there’s always room for one more dad joke! Happy Thanksgiving!

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