Okay, brace yourself for some shit jokes—the kind of jokes that are definitely not for the easily offended but will surely get some laughs (and maybe a few groans)! We’re diving into the potty humor that everyone secretly finds hilarious. So, whether you’re looking to crack up your friends or just need a laugh, these 30 jokes will definitely keep things cheeky!

Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill?

To get to the bottom!

What’s the best way to start a bathroom-themed party?

Flush out the bad ideas first.

Why was the toilet always so good at poker?

Because it knew when to fold!

What do you call a bathroom superhero?

Flush Gordon!

Why don’t people tell secrets in the bathroom?

Because they’re always leaked!

What did one piece of toilet paper say to the other?

“You’re on a roll!”

Why did the plumber break up with the bathroom?

Because it was full of crap!

What’s brown and sticky?

A stick. (Or… you know!)

Because it was always “relief” in a pinch!

What’s the worst thing you can hear in the bathroom?

“We’re out of toilet paper!”

Why was the toilet so good at talking to people?

Because it could always give you a seat!

What did one poop say to the other poop?

“We’ve really got a crappy job, don’t we?”

Why was the bathroom so loud?

Because it had too many “echoes” in the stalls.

What’s a toilet’s favorite time of day?

Flush o’clock!

Why don’t toilets ever get invited to parties?

Because they’re always a little flushed.

How did the poop get promoted?

It worked really hard in the number two position.

What did the sewer say to the toilet?

“Just let it go, buddy.”

Why don’t poop jokes ever get old?

Because they’re always on the potty of humor!

What did the janitor say after cleaning the bathroom?

“That was a crappy job, but someone had to do it!”

Why was the poop always so calm?

Because it was used to going with the flow.

What’s the poop emoji’s favorite movie?

Dumb and Dumber!

Why was the toilet bad at relationships?

It kept flushing them away.

What do you get when you cross a toilet and a computer?

A “laptop” with a crappy connection!

What did the poop say when it was late to work?

“Sorry, I’m in deep doo-doo!”

Why do dogs like to hang out near toilets?

Because they’re always sniffing around for gossip!

What’s the difference between toilet paper and your boss?

You can’t say no to either when you’re in deep… trouble.

Why don’t toilets ever make good singers?

Because they’re always out of tune!

Why was the toilet so good at solving problems?

Because it could always flush away the nonsense.

What do you call a bathroom ghost?

A boo-dy in the loo!

What did the poop emoji say to the toilet paper emoji?

“Thanks for always having my back!”

Conclusion: Shit Jokes to Keep Things Hilarious

And that’s a wrap on 30 hilarious shit jokes! These jokes may be full of crap, but they’re bound to get laughs, especially among friends who appreciate some cheeky, toilet humor. So next time you need to break the ice or just get a laugh, don’t be afraid to pull one of these out of the stall and keep the fun flowing!


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